Home Viv Jude Phoebe

Monday, June 30, 2008

525,600 minutes

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Moments so dear. Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes, How Do You Measure... Measure a year..?

How about...? New baby, pre-school, Madagascar replaced by Dora & Diego, Disney World(ugh!), new friends, reconnecting with old friends (Fuhrman..Holla!), lippy, ballet classes, Hannah Montana, somer-saults, countless trips to 5-Below, 2 wheel bicycles, lots of firsts, business ventures, swim lessons, good health and love..... It has been a great year!

Brad,Viv,and Jude surprised me with a very yummy cookie cake. My favorite. Can you tell who picked it out?

Saturday night my mom, Rachel and I went for an overnight ghost tour at
Ft. Mifflin
A.K.A Mosquito Island. I forgot to bring bug spray and have bites ALL over. Some in rather delicate places...

Ft. Mifflin is located at the end of the run way of the Philly airport. Planes were flying over us all night. I have lived in Philly for 18 years and never knew it was there. It is really off the beaten path. We lugged all of our stuff from the car to the main house then had an all access guided tour of the fort. Didn't see any ghosts...but from a history geek aspect is was a really cool experience... a ghost would have been an added bonus. There was one casement (casement 11) that was accidently found 2years ago by a groundskeeper mowing the lawn. It just opened to the public this month. We got to spend a lot of time in the room looking at the writing on the wall (signatures of soldiers, war stories, poems..etc) from 1777. Pretty cool stuff! If you have never been to Ft. Mifflin it is definitly worth a trip.


Amy said...

Happy Birthday!!! I love your rendition of Rent. lt's always been one of my favorite songs. I'm glad you had fun at the ghost house. I love that you do that. Have an awesome day, what are you doing tonite?

Laura said...

YAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!!!!! I'm sure you couldn't have been happier with your Dora cake. I remember a time whenever anything that had to do with Dora was followed with the phrase "freakin Dora." I'm glad that you had a good time at your ghost hunt, even though you didn't see any ghosts. Your version of "Seasons of Love" was very creative, a great idea!!! I think it should be a new blogger meme... write your own way of measuring a year! Hope you had a great day. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Well, Never another day older or another day wiser....it's another day better (you get presents)!!!!!

Anonymous said...


DembroskyFamily said...

Happy Birthday!!! I ment to call you yesterday but I was runing around with my head cut off. Fort sound cool I would love to read all of those notes.

M.Gunn said...

Happy Birthday! Glad you had a good bday! We'll have to get together soon so you can meet littel Anna....maybe next week sometime?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!!! I watched the Ghost Hunters episode at Ft Mifflin, and the place looks great to investigate!