Home Viv Jude Phoebe

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stupid is as Stupid does...

While searching Thursday Thirteen bloggers. I came across Kim's blog...Mikrro.com She was asking her readers to post a summertime memory and I decided to post my sunburn horror story to sympathize with my friend Jenn,who is currently a walking lobster.

Memorial Day 1993, Ocean City, NJ. I was 15 and my Best Friend at the time (Sandy)and I decided we needed a quick tan...We were staying at her grandparents beach house. I can only remember them sleeping.. maybe that is why we liked to go there. They slept and we ran wild through the streets of OCNJ. Good times! Okay, getting back to my story. A teenage girl can't go to the shore and come home without color right? We didn't have sun tan oil (What would the Grandparents need that for) so we thought baby oil would work but they didn't have that either so we decided Crisco was the next best thing. It was oil and they had that, just not enough for both of us. My other Best Friend Chris, was along on this trip with us and happily jumped in his car and ran to the 7-11 to get us Crisco. He thought we were crazy for using Crisco but, at no time did he mention that to us. He wanted to see how stupid we were and have a good story to tell to our friends once we got home. While Chris was at the 7-11 Sandy,(The BF) and I thought if we covered our chairs in tin foil to attract the sun we would get tanner faster... I didn't say we were very smart.. we just wanted a tan. Chris gets back and sees that we now have added tin foil into the mix and can barely get out of the car let alone walk up the driveway he was laughing so hard.
He helped lather us up and we sat and baked. Literally! After laughing and making fun of us he fell asleep. He didn't Crisco up he just layed on the grass next to us.

30 minutes into our baking session Chris woke up and looked at us. We were bright red, lobster red. This can't be good. The Grandparents were sleeping through our whole sit & bake ordeal and only woke up when we were running through the house looking for aloe.We ran into the bathroom and for some dumb reason (as if we could be any dumber, at this point)we thought taking a shower would help the burn. Nope. It just made everything hurt even more. Water beating on blisters... OUCH! At this point we were both covered in sun blisters. We probably should have gone to the hospital for sun poisoning but for some reason we didn't. My whole body from forehead to the tip of my toes was just one big blister.

I don't know what was worse the pain of the sun burn or the humiliation of telling people how dumb we were.

Chris reads this blog... Check the comments.. I am sure he will have something to add. Be nice Chris!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I can feel that pain! And tin foil!

So, how was the color after the blister's faded anyway?

Laura said...

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah...

I don't even know what to say. Crisco? Tin foil?

ha ha ha

sorry.... what I meant to say was I'm very sorry that your unfortunate circumstances (lack of tanning oil) caused you such a severe sunburn and pain, ouch!!!!

Sarah said...

Tan was GREAT after about 2 weeks.

Shannon said...

This is why we can never trust Viv and Amelia when they're teenagers!

Dawn said...

man why is this the first time hearing this. Crisco what on earth was you thinking. One question any pictures.